Interview: A Grandmother on The Evil Dead

A possessed woman otherwise known as a Deadite, writhes in agony as her body decomposes.

|Benjamin Jarman| My mom doesn’t like horror movies much, but she is open-minded enough to sit down and watch Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead with her son. I wasn’t expecting her to become the newest fan of the franchise, but I was interested in what could keep someone from thinking positively about the horror genre. One of the clearest memories… Continue reading

Hey Bud, Let’s Make a Movie! — The Evil Dead as the Demonic Incarnation of the DIY Filmmaking Spirit

Five men stand waist deep in water with film equipment

|Andrew Neill| When I was 22, I wanted to be Samuel Marshall Raimi. You probably know him as Sam Raimi, director of The Evil Dead. I was a young, eager kid just out of film school, and he was my hero. His story seemed so close to my own, so attainable. In the fall of 1979, he and his buds Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell wrangled up a small cast and a skeleton crew, descended upon… Continue reading