Happy Anniversary to Us! Safety Last! at the Trylon


A short four years ago, a group of dedicated cinephiles opened their new 50-seat palace to the world with the films of Buster Keaton. That was us and that was the Trylon. Each year we have marked our anniversary with the silent American classics from Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, and Harold Lloyd – films that have lost their place in 21st century multiplexes and symbolize what we want to bring to the Twin Cities. Our modest success and the support from our loyal audience is more than we could have asked for.

This weekend we celebrate those four years in the best way we know how: A new 35mm print of Harold Lloyd’s iconic Safety Last!

Safety Last! screens Friday, July 12 and Saturday, July 13 at 7:00 and 8:30pm, and Sunday, July 14 at 5:00, 6:30 and 8:00pm. Advance tickets available at the Trylon’s website.

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