Not One But Two, Count ’em, Two Lancasters This Weekend!

the-professionalsOh, you lucky souls! Lancastic!, our Burt Lancaster Centennial Series marches on with two of his craziest, most entertaining flicks, including TRAPEZE, from 1956, and not available on DVD anywhere in this hemisphere. Pony up for two tickets and you can see that and The Professionals, which isn’t quite in the same cynical ranks as the acid Westerns of the 1970s, but it’s close, it’s close.

Trapeze is directed by Carol Reed (of The Third Man fame) and stars Burt as a trapeze artist, which is perfect because, well, you know he used to be one in real life. See, Burt’s character Mike has been trapeze-ing forever, and he takes Tony Curtis’ Tino under his wing. But there’s some bad blood when sexy Lola (Gina Lollobrigida)–“a twisting, turning, taunting godess!”– comes betwixt them! Burt must’ve liked working with Curtis, for they’re seen together in the classic Sweet Smell of Success just a year later.

Much as I adore The Professionals, if there’s only one of these two you can see, check out Trapeze, ’cause there ain’t no place else you’re ever gonna see it. Believe you me.

Trapeze shows Friday at 7:00, Saturday at 9:15, and Sunday at 7:15. The Professionals screens Friday at 9:00, Saturday at 7:00, and Sunday at 5:00. Get your tickets here!


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